5 Things No One Knows About Modeling

If your goal is to become a model, deciphering through the information you find online is hard. Here are five things real models don’t know but should.

Become a Model

Modeling and acting careers have always been the dream of many however, often times people have to be realistic in their goals and settle for a solid 9-5 job. That doesn’t mean that becoming a model is out of your league, it just means that you have to face the reality is going to be a bit harder. There are so many things about the modeling industry that are incorrectly posted online so in the blog, we’re going to take a look at the five realities of the modeling industry that no one talks about.

1. It’s like any other profession (sort of)

Just like if you wanted to start as a career as a nurse, you would first have to enter that profession by learning. That means going to college and then graduating with that degree. The next step is finding a job. The entertainment business is no different. It takes time, energy, and an investment into your career. Start by learning about the industry whether thats with online modeling schools, youtube videos, or talking to other models about their experiences.

Finding a job as a model is a bit harder, however. Will touch base on that in the next steps.

2. Agencies work with experienced models

Many times the first step for an aspiring model is to apply to modeling agencies. While there are many top modeling agencies located throughout the United States especially in New York City, they don’t like to work with models that are undeveloped. Why would they?

Thousands of models apply to these agencies daily and many of them are not serious about modeling. While their goal and aspiration might be to become a famous face that you see in magazines, applying and putting in the work is very few models want to do. Agencies cannot waste their time, money or resources on an aspiring model who has no history of reliability or bookings. Often times agencies will require a model to go through a development phase where the model learns about the business and then does various test shoots. That’s only if you get excepted to top agency. Applying to modeling agencies is typically best when you have some experience. That’s not to say that you can’t get signed as a model without experience, it happens all the time, just a very few.

3. It’s not a free

Just like getting into any career, models should always be expected to cover their own development when starting as a model. Whether that includes head shots, comp cards or web services those are standard in the modeling industry. DO YOUR RESEARCH and NEVER pay deposits over the phone to people who won’t meet you in person. The modeling business is a lot different than it was in the 1990’s and model scouting has changed dramatically.

If you want to become a model for real, you need to have an established presence online with great pictures. Investing a few hundred (not thousands) for great quality clear images without editing or make up is all that you need.

4. It’s really fun

The modeling industry is not only lucrative for some opportunities, it is extremely fun. Networking, and meeting with models on site or open castings calls is a great way to advance your career in the modeling business.

5. Any one can model

The modeling industry is dramatically different than it once was. In the last 5 years, there has been a massive increase in diverse and alternative models. This has paved the way for talent of all backgrounds, a chance to get started in the business.

Once you figure out, if you’re serious about getting started, the next step is working with a talent platform like Latitude Talent, get started here.

Published by Latitude Talent Studios

Latitude Talent connects models and actors. Visit us online today!

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