How Models Stay Safe Online

Since becoming a model requires talent to submit to agencies and castings online, it is more important than ever to be on the look out for red flags. Here are some tips to stay safe online. One of the most important things you should do is to make sure that your identity is protected whenContinue reading “How Models Stay Safe Online”

Model Agencies Open Call Time and Dates for 2021

Searching for open calls for models in very hard, especially in 2021 and beyond as now castings are all practically done online. Prior to covid, very few agencies allowed models to come in their doors for an open call evaluation as most scouting can be done online. Here is an updated list of Modeling Agencies and open call times.

Can you Just Walk into a Modeling Agency?

To start off and answer the main question, if walking into an agency as a model is acceptable: No, it is never acceptable to walk into a modeling agency unannounced or without an appointment. In fact, it can actually hurt your your chances of getting signed.

Latitude Talent Evaluation – Inside Latitude with Elena

“I heard about Latitude while I was looking into different companies and they ended up sticking out to me so I thought I would try and get noticed.” INSIDE Latitude with New York Model Elena B. Read the full interview with Latitude Talent Studios member Elena from our New York office. Read full interview here:Continue reading “Latitude Talent Evaluation – Inside Latitude with Elena”

What is a Digital Comp Card for Models?

What is a Comp Card? We’ll at one time it was a mandatory expense models had to cover; “update your comp card yearly” agents used to say. Comp cards used to be costly, something like $2.25 per print. By the time your agent was done sending them out, the model or actor would look differentContinue reading “What is a Digital Comp Card for Models?”

Don’t Make This Mistake: 5 Tips to Avoid as a Model or Actor – Latitude

A new and upcoming model or actor can make a lot of mistakes when first starting out. New York Producer, Actress and Model Sophia stops by Latitude Talent to drops some tips on what to AVOID DOING as a model or actor!

What are Comp Cards?

Many new models and actors get confused about the difference between a comp card, aka composite cards are and what a portfolio is. How does a model use them? To put it simply, a composite card is one sheet of about 4-5 photos (including one main headshot) of the model or actor. The photos onContinue reading “What are Comp Cards?”