Olivia Featured in MOEVIR Magazine

A shining example of Latitude Talent Studios’ ability to propel talent to new heights is the success of Olivia from their New York office. Olivia, a determined and passionate individual, found her breakthrough moment through the platform’s support and guidance.

How to Become an Older Female Model

In 2023, models come in all ages, shapes and sizes. Here are some tips for those that consider themselves a bit “older“. First, it is important to find an agency that deals with older models. While not all agencies are willing to specialize working with older models on their roster, there are many that do.Continue reading “How to Become an Older Female Model”

What is Body Part’s Modeling?

Part’s modeling is a very unique field. Learn more about it here. Body Parts Modeling If you want to take your body parts modeling career to the next level, here are a few tips: first, practice poses! You can’t just wing it on the day of the shoot, or you’ll end up with terrible results!Continue reading “What is Body Part’s Modeling?”

How to Become a Female Model

Are you a talented self identifying female with a unique look who is looking to make a career out of being a model? If so, read this article to discover how to become a female model. It will cover the basics of becoming a model, such as getting an agent, preparing a portfolio, working with established photographers, makeup artists, and top studios, and living a healthy lifestyle. In addition to these basics, you will also find some useful tips to help you along the way.

Body Positivity in Modeling

Body Positivity in the modeling industry is finally a thing. This is an important webinar to watch if you are a model of any shape or size that is trying to get started in the entertainment industry. Watch as Sophia from Latitude Talent Studios New York speaks on all aspects on what it takes toContinue reading “Body Positivity in Modeling”